Solar Energy • Smart Home • IoT​

Save money.
Save the planet.
Be energy independent.

We are a new project, but we have years of experience in custom technical solutions for special cases and our main focus is to help our costumers in the transition to a renewable lifestyle.

Our background is IT, and we bring our decades old experience to the solar production field, providing new ideas and synergies between solar, smart homes and smart businesses.

What we do

Off-grid solar
Micro generation
Smart Homes

Security systems
Water management
Custom solutions

If you, as a client, subscribe our remote assistant pack, we monitor your system for optimal performance and troubleshooting.
This is aggregated data from our remote assistant pack clients updated in real-time. *
* Yes, these are small numbers, but we are just starting ;-). Last update at .

Go energy independent while saving the planet!

Victron Energy
Home Assistant

Solar Energy • Smart Home • IoT

Our showroom and website are coming soon!